Kyoko Masuda

Director of Japanese Program, Professor of Japanese & Linguistics

Member Of:
  • School of Modern Languages
Fax Number:404-894-0955
Office Location: Swann 316
Office Hours: Tue & Thu 3:00-3:25 & 4:45-5:15 and by app.


Dr. Kyoko Masuda serves as Program Director of Japanese Language from 2020.  She received her Ph.D from the University of Arizona in 2002, and joined Georgia Tech in 2004, has been promoted to Associate Professor of Japanese and Linguistics in 2010. She is a specialist in Japanese Discourse, Second Language Acquisition, Cognitive Linguistics, and Sociocultual Theory, as shwon in her published journal articles in East Asian Pragmatics, Journal of Pragmatics, Modern Language Journal, New Directions in Applied Linguistics of Japanese, Japanese Language and Literature, Sophia Linguistica, Nihongo Kyooiku, Southwest Journal of Linguistics, CLS, Sophia Linguistica, NINJAL Research Papers, and Japanese/Korean Linguistics.  Her co-authored journal articles also apper in Language and Sociocultural Theory, Second Language Research, Language Learning, Language Science, Sophia Linguistica, and High Desert Conference in Linguistics.

She served  as Linguistics Program Advisor from 2010-2018  Her teaching includes Intermediate Japanese, Discourse and Grammar, Applied Japanese Linguistics, Critical Readings in Japanese Arts and Culture, Introduction to Linguistics, and Applications in Linguistics. She is interested in creating new courses for  Japanese and Linguistics.

She has co-edited Cognitive Linguistics and Sociocultural Theory: Applications to Language Teaching (2015) by Mouton de Gruyter,  and edited Cognitive Linguistics and Japanese Pedagogy: A Usage-based Approach to Language Learning and Instruction (2018) by Mouton de Gruyter. She is currently working on book project entitled "Concept-Based Language Instruction: Usage-Based Linguisics and Sociocultutal Theory in Teaching Japanese" with Amy Ohta and Rie Tsujihara (Routelge).

Areas of
  • Discourse Studies
  • Japanese Linguistics
  • Language Learning & Study Abroad
  • Sociocultural Theory


Research Fields:
  • Japanese
  • Linguistics
  • Asia (East)
  • United States
  • Education
  • Language Acquisition


  • JAPN-2001: Intermediate Japanese I
  • JAPN-2002: Intermediate Japanese II
  • JAPN-3001: Advanced Japanese I
  • JAPN-3693: Japan Today
  • JAPN-3694: Conversation Practicum
  • JAPN-3700: Sustain/Societal Changes
  • JAPN-4165: Crit Rdgs Jpn Cult/Arts
  • JAPN-4500: Intercultural Seminar
  • JAPN-4695: Japanese Internship
  • JAPN-4750: Japn Discourse & Grammar
  • JAPN-4780: Jpn Applied Linguistics
  • JAPN-6080: Japn Applied Lings Grad
  • JAPN-6500: Intercultural Seminar
  • LING-2001: Intro To Language I
  • LING-2100: Intro to Linguistics
  • LING-3100: Apps of Linguistics


Selected Publications

Book - Editors

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Book - Editors

Journal Articles



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