Advanced Standing

The School of Modern Languages does not offer advanced standing examinations, although students may receive advanced standing credit for up to two Modern Languages courses in the same language of study for a total of 6 to 8 credits upon successful completion (with a C or higher) of coursework at Georgia Tech as outlined in the tables below. The only courses for which advanced standing credit may be given are 1001, 1002, 2001, and/or 2002 in the languages currently offered in the School of Modern Languages at Georgia Tech. No 3000- or 4000-level advanced standing credit will be granted. A fee of $90 per course is required up to a maximum of two courses. Completed forms should be emailed to Mirla Gonzalez.

For students seeking advanced standing credit for one course (3-4 credits), there are four options:

Advanced Standing CreditRequired course(s) to successfully complete (with a grade of C or higher) before applying
10011002                                      2001
10022001                                      N/A
20012002                                      N/A
20023XXX or 4XXX                         N/A


For students seeking advanced standing credit for two courses (6-8 credits), there are three options:

Advanced Standing CreditRequired course(s) to successfully complete (with a grade of C or higher) before applying
1001         10022001                                   2002
1002         20012002                                   3XXX or 4XXX
2001         20023XXX or 4XXX                      3XXX or 4XXX


Who Can Use Advanced Standing?

Advanced standing is ideal for students who did not receive AP or IB credit but studied the language in high school. You must first take the placement test and then enroll in the level indicated by the placement test. Once you have successfully completed one to two courses, you can apply for advanced standing.

How Can I Use Advanced Standing?

There are various ways advanced standing can be used to free up additional credit toward a language/area minor or a language double major in applied languages and intercultural studies (ALIS).

  • Example 1: You studied French in high school but did not receive AP or IB credit. Via our placement test, you place into FREN 2001. You successfully complete FREN 2001 and FREN 2002 at Georgia Tech and use it towards Core C. If you complete the advanced standing form, you can earn credit for FREN 1001 and FREN 1002. You can now use FREN 1001 and FREN 1002 for Core C and FREN 2001 and FREN 2002 for the African Studies Minor.
  • Example 2: You did not study the language in high school but grew up in an environment where the language was readily spoken. You take the placement test and place into Japanese 3XXX. You complete two JAPN 3XXX courses at Georgia Tech. If you complete the advanced standing form, you can earn credit for JAPN 2001 and JAPN 2002. You can now use JAPN 2002, JAPN 3XXX, and JAPN 3XXX towards the ALIS-Japanese double major, and JAPN 2001 towards Core C or free electives.

Advanced Standing Examination in Linguistics

LING 2100 is the only course in Modern Languages for which you can take an exam. This is the only required course for the linguistics minor.

Consult the Georgia Tech Course Catalog for the official policy regarding advanced standing.

Advanced Standing Form