Language for Business and Technology: Austria and Germany


The German LBAT program is designed for students to experience the history and culture of Germany, past and present, through classroom instruction, by using the surroundings as a classroom, through site visits, and by participating in activities that showcase German everyday life, work, and business culture.
Participation in the German LBAT allows you to:
  • Immerse yourself in the local culture and history
  • Interact with locals in everyday, academic, and workplace settings
  • Use program destinations as your classroom for language & intercultural learning
  • Improve your German skills by studying in small classes, with German student tutors, and local hosts
  • Learn about current issues facing German businesses & society
  • Earn upper-level language credits: be on your way to a minor or (double) major
The German LBAT will take place from June 1 through August 1, 2024. The program offers 12 credits (Vienna, Munich, and Berlin). 
The program introduces students to three key locations in Austria and Germany. You will stay in Vienna, Munich, and Berlin and visit many other places during day trips. The program explores regional perspectives on lifestyles, history, and traditions as well as from an industrial point of view. 

The application deadline is March 22, 2024. Scholarships available! 

Vienna, Austria (Director: Kathrin Köppe) 

In Vienna, you will take the class GRMN 3696 German Business and Technology: Current Issues and GRMN 3697 German Business and Technology: Communication.

Vienna is an international nerve center of cultural history that would provide an unparalleled educational opportunity for interdisciplinary experiential learning. Its position at the confluence of Eastern and Western Europe affords the unique opportunity to gain an international perspective on the global contexts of today’s grand challenges. The city’s historical significance in the sciences, fine arts, and politics provides an exceptional groundwork for the development of a radically interdisciplinary curriculum. 

This program offers an essential educational opportunity. It will provide the opportunity to be immersed in arts and cultural education at a substantive level. You will gain a nuanced understanding of the creative process. In addition to intensive language immersion, you will visit companies in several professional arenas. Company visits currently planned include a visit to the Headquarters of the United Nations, the waste processing plant, Ottakringer Brewery, the Architekurzentrum, the Parliament, and others. You will also have hands-on cultural experiences and visits to world-class concerts, museums, festivals, hiking in the Alps, the Danube River, and the palaces of the Hapsburg Empire.

Students in Austria.


Munich (Director: Britta Kallin) 

In Munich, you will take the class GRMN 4693 Technology and Heimat: Societal Changes through High Tech and Media. What happens to a region when an entire industry that shaped local businesses and culture for centuries shuts down? How can knowledge about these structural changes in industries and societies assist us in confronting contemporary issues such as the loss of work due to automatization and climate change? Why does it matter that we understand culturally specific concepts such as the German "Heimat" to not only conduct business with/in Germany but also to build a democratic and just society and to make sense of our own relationships and place in today's digital, globalized world?

Are you interested in writing a CV and cover letter in German? Would you like to develop a start-up idea for a business in Germany and hone your skills in writing a business plan? Do you want to improve your business German but also read a graphic novel in German? Are you interested in networking with German companies?

Would you like to explore how all of these themes are connected? Would you like to trace and experience these connections outside the classroom? Are you interested in discovering these technological, economic, cultural, and social issues in the streets of German cities, museums, businesses, and families?

The first part of the LBAT program located in Munich offers you the chance to investigate these connections! Besides rigorously exploring these topics in the classroom and via assignments and projects, we will visit other German cities and explore many cultural sites and businesses (e.g. Bayer, Grenzebach, and BMW).

Students in Berlin.

Berlin (Director: Britta Kallin)

The program's second course, GRMN 4691: Berlin: The Capital in the 20th Century,” takes place in the vibrant capital of Berlin. In Berlin, you will see how the city can serve as a classroom: hear about the building of the Berlin Wall in the morning, and touch its remnants with your own hand in the afternoon. The class provides an overview of Berlin’s history and local culture during the 20th century, arguably the most transformative period of German history. The course is meant to complement your personal experience of the German capital in a productive fashion by providing historical background information and inviting you to think about how the German experience of the 20th century has come to shape Berlin into the place it is today.

By engaging with contemporary topics as reflected in film, literature, photography, architecture, political speeches, and others, students will become familiar with topics that dominated the different periods of Berlin’s turbulent history between 1918 and today. Afternoon or day-long excursions to Berlin’s historic and contemporary sites will round off classroom discussion and will open opportunities for further, creative engagement with the material in the form of an ongoing group project: In teams, you will create a short documentary film on an aspect of Berlin’s local culture or history.


Vienna (June 2 – June 29, 2024)

Munich (June 29 – July 15, 2024)

Berlin (July 15 – July 31, 2024)


June 2 – July 31, 2024

Host Institution

INNES Institute Vienna and TU Berlin




  • GRMN 3696 German Business and Technology: Current Issues (3 credits)
  • GRMN 3697 German Business and Technology: Communication (3 credits)
  • GRMN 4693 Technology and Heimat: Societal Changes through High Tech and Media (3 credits)
  • GRMN 4691: Berlin: The Capital in the 20th Century (3 credits)


German at the 2000-level and good academic standing; at least GRMN 2001, but GRMN 2002 is preferred. 

A recommendation from a current or past Georgia Tech German instructor is required, having completed a German class at Georgia Tech. If you have not yet taken a German class at Georgia Tech, please contact the program directors to meet with them personally before being eligible to apply for the program.


  • $4,200 for Vienna, Austria
  • $5,000 for Munich and Berlin, Germany

There is a $500 early bird discount if you apply before Jan 15, 2024!

  • The program fee includes housing, ground transportation, excursions, health insurance, welcome and farewell dinner, cultural events, materials, and books (breakfast included in Munich and Berlin). 

    • In addition to the program fee, there $250 application fee.

  • The program fee does not include application fees, tuition, international transportation, visa, technology fee, independent ground transportation, “travel on your own,” days off, or most meals. Lunch and dinner throughout the program have to be paid for by the traveler with only welcome and farewell meal exceptions. These meals are not part of the program fee. Out-of-state students pay in-state tuition plus a small fee.

Payment Deadlines

Fees are estimates and subject to change.

  • Feb. 22: first half of program charge
  • March 15: second half of program charge

Informational Meetings

All accepted applicants must attend two mandatory meetings. If you have a conflict with another class, you cannot attend the other class on those days. Note that other meetings may be required by OIE.

The first pre-departure meeting will take place on Thursday, Feb. 22, 2024, at 6 p.m. in Swann 320.

Cancellation Policy

Students who choose not to participate in the program after submitting an application will be subject to the following fee schedule:

  1. Students canceling before Feb. 15. will lose their $250.00 deposit.
  2. Students canceling after Feb. 15. must pay 30% of the entire program charge.
  3. Students canceling after March 15 must pay 100% of the entire program charge.

Program descriptions and fees are subject to final approval by educational units and the Office of International Education. Georgia Tech reserves the right to alter or cancel this program due to low enrollment, unavailability of a professor to teach a planned course, or other unforeseen circumstances. Once Georgia Tech has made payments to service providers, or if Georgia Tech cancels the program before departure or while the program is in progress for reasons beyond its control, such as political unrest or danger to participants’ safety, only those fees that Georgia Tech is able to have refunded by service providers will be returned to participants. If a student withdraws from the program, the student will be responsible for the payment of all fees.

If a student withdraws from the program, the student will be responsible for the payment of all fees.

All information on this page is subject to change.

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