Placement Tests

If you have prior experience in Chinese, French, German, Japanese, Korean, Russian, or Spanish, either through high school studies or as a heritage speaker, you must take the appropriate online placement test before registering for a course. Your score will determine the correct course level, and you may NOT enroll in a lower-level course than your placement indicates.

You do NOT need to take a placement test if:

  • You are beginning a language you have never studied before — you may enroll in the 1001 course.
  • You have AP or IB credit for a language. Check the AP & IB credit page for details.
  • You want to study Arabic and have prior experience — consult the language advisor if you are unsure about your placement.

A placement test score does NOT automatically enroll you in a course. You must still register, and instructors will verify scores via Canvas or in class during the first week. Students enrolled in a course below their placement level will be asked to leave, with no guarantee of a seat in the correct course.

Heritage or Native Speakers

Some languages offer courses designed for heritage or native speakers (students who grew up in an environment where the language was spoken regularly), while others may have restrictions for native speakers. Be sure to review course descriptions in OSCAR before registering.

For additional questions, please contact Mirla Gonzalez.


To complete the placement test, log in to Canvas using your GT username. Once logged in, click “Enroll Course” on the right side of the screen and then select “Go to the Course.” If you see the option “Reset students” at the bottom of the screen, click it. If not, simply move on to the next step. Next, click on the first assignment, “Background Information,” complete the survey, and click Submit. Finally, continue with the remaining three parts of the placement test, following the instructions provided for each section.

Chinese Placement Test(link is external)

French and Russian

You will need to create a WebCAPE account in order to take the placement test. Use the chart below to see what course you are eligible to take based on your placement test score.

0 - 150 Points1001-level courses
151 - 250 Points1002-level courses
251 - 350 Points2001-level courses
351 – 450 Points2002-level courses
451+ PointsAny 3000-level courses or higher

French and Russian Placement Test(link is external)


The German program uses Netzwerk placement tests to assess students' proficiency and ensure appropriate course placement. Students with prior experience in German should take the corresponding A1(link is external), A2(link is external), or B1(link is external) test before enrolling.

Learn More About German Placement Tests


The Japanese program uses a placement test via Canvas to assess students' proficiency and ensure appropriate course placement. Students with prior experience in Japanese should complete the test before registering for a course.

Japanese Placement Test(link is external)


The Korean program uses a placement test via Canvas to determine the appropriate course level. After submitting the test, students must email the program coordinator or their intended instructor to confirm placement.

Korean Placement Test(link is external)


You will need to create a WebCAPE account in order to take the placement test. Use the chart below to see what course you are eligible to take based on your placement test score.

0 - 150 Points1001-level courses
151 - 250 Points1002-level courses
251 - 350 Points2001-level courses
351 – 450 Points2002-level courses
451+ PointsAny 3000-level courses or higher

Spanish Placement Test(link is external)