Application and Scholarships (LBAT France)

Application Deadline: Feb. 1

  • Space is limited! Apply via ATLAS as early as mid-September through the Office of International Education (OIE). You also need to let Lionel Gall, the program director, know by emailing him. 
  • Acceptance is on a first-come, first-serve basis.
  • If you are a non-Georgia Tech (transient/special) student, you can now apply directly online through OIE.
  • Note: A strict Feb. 1 deadline for non-Georgia Tech applicants is imposed by the registrar. Non-Georgia Tech applications will NOT be accepted after this deadline!

Scholarships & Early Bird Incentive

Students who are enrolled in the program by Jan. 15, 2024, will receive a $500 discount. Please apply early as it is in high demand. The discount will be credited to the student participants' Bursar accounts.

Two (2) program participants will benefit from a $1,000 program fee deduction each for assuming program assistant tasks while in Paris. To learn about the position and apply for this incentive, please fill out this form. Application deadline: Jan. 15, 2024.

Students are  encouraged to apply for financial aid and can choose from the following options:

Non-Georgia Tech Student (Transient/Special) Application Hints

  • Apply Online (Step One to get an ID and login takes one week):
  • Complete two application steps, and there are items that you must mail to OIE. Detailed instructions are on the OIE website, with a checklist on page six of the Transient/Special Instruction Packet. Other forms are also in this packet to be completed with signatures from your university.
  • Apply in the specific order listed on the OIE website in order to be given an ID and log in to complete the process (start early since it takes a week to get the ID and login).
  • The complete application deadline for summer is Feb. 1. No late applications from transients can be considered – the application is turned off then. You need to have done your footwork more than a week in advance to work through all the info to apply.

Payment Schedule and Deadlines

  • The program fee is $5,400. The fee includes transportation from Roissy International Airport, lodging, breakfasts, dinners, books, site visits, field trips, and insurance. A non-refundable $500 deposit is due at the time of application on the Atlas Study Abroad Portal and is applied to the overall program fee.
  • The program fee does NOT include airfare, 9 credit hours of tuition, visa, technology fee, independent ground transportation, and meals.
  • Payment deadlines:
    • Apply on the Atlas Study Abroad Portal by Feb. 1.
    • A $500 non-refundable deposit is due at the time of application and is applied to the overall program fee.
    • For Paris only: the first payment of $2,450 is due Feb. 15 and the balance of $2,450 is due March 15. Payments are withdrawn directly from the student's OSCAR accounts on the deadline.
  • Scholarships are available.

Fee Payment Information:  Please adhere to the deadlines stated for the program. Please observe the information in payment options to ensure that your payments are processed at the Bursar’s Office on time. Fees will be charged to your Oscar account on the due dates.  Make sure you make all necessary payments on time in order to avoid a hold on your account. Students expecting financial aid must submit a letter from the Financial Aid Office stating the allocation and date of payments expected. Tuition and student fees are due according to the Registrar’s schedule for summer tuition.

Cancellation Policy

Students who cancel their participation in the program after being accepted will be subject to the following non-negotiable fee schedule:

  • Students canceling before Jan. 15 will lose their $500 deposit.
  • Students canceling after Jan. 15 must pay 25% of the program fee.
  • Students canceling after Feb. 15 must pay 50% of the program fee.
  • Students canceling after March 15 must pay 100% of the program fee.

Program descriptions and fees are subject to final approval by educational units and the Office of International Education. Georgia Tech reserves the right to alter or cancel this program due to low enrollment, unavailability of a professor to teach a planned course or other unforeseen circumstances. Once Georgia Tech has made payments to service providers, or if Georgia Tech cancels the program before departure or while the program is in progress for reasons beyond its control, such as political unrest or danger to participants' safety, only those fees that Georgia Tech is able to have refunded by service providers will be returned to participants.