Xiaoliang Li

Associate Professor of Chinese

Member Of:
  • School of Modern Languages
Office Location: Swann 310
Office Hours: Tues & Thur 12:00-1:00, 3:00-4:00
Related Links:
Email Address: xl@gatech.edu


Xiaoliang Li specializes in Instructional Technology in Chinese pedagogy and Intercultural Communication Studies. She earned her PhD in Instructional Technology from the University of Virginia, and her MA in Communication Studies from Baylor University.  In 1995 she established the Chinese Language and Cultural Studies program at Georgia Tech. Her research and publications have explored the utilization of multimedia in Chinese language instruction, cultural perspectives in language learning, intercultural communications, and issues involving sustainability in China. She has published a Chinese Characters Primer to facilitate learning the Chinese writing system and has presented and published scholarly papers and demonstrated her courseware at national and international conferences. She led a team that created and published a series of online elementary and intermediate Chinese language courses, a project sponsored by the National Security Education Program (NSEP) via the University System of Georgia; and secured a Title VI grant to develop a 3-year sequence of higher level online courses. In addition she developed a capstone Intercultural Seminar course for the ALIS (Applied Language and Intercultural Studies) major, as well as content-based courses such as Sino-Americans Interactions: A Documentary Survey, China’s Economic Development and Sustainability. She has taught LAC (Language across Curricula) courses with colleagues from International Affairs and Economics. She also served as Director and Co-PI for Georgia Tech’s ROTC Flagship Pilot Program in Chinese (2013 – 2015).


  • CHIN-1001: Elementary Chinese I
  • CHIN-1011: Accelerated Elem Chin I
  • CHIN-1814: Special Topics
  • CHIN-2001: Intermediate Chinese I
  • CHIN-2002: Intermediate Chinese II
  • CHIN-3691: Chinese Current Events
  • CHIN-3693: Conversation Practicum
  • CHIN-3696: Eco Dev & Sustainability
  • CHIN-3833: Special Topics
  • CHIN-4006: Intercultural Communictn
  • CHIN-4500: Intercultural Seminar


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