Danielle Geary

Coordinator of Spanish Program, Senior Lecturer of Spanish

Member Of:
  • School of Modern Languages
Office Location: Swann 233
Office Hours: By appointment
Related Links:
Email Address: dg808@gatech.edu


Dr. Danielle Geary is a Senior Lecturer of Spanish and the Coordinator of Introductory and Intermediate Spanish. Her extensive international travel experience includes living in Spain for several years, directing study abroad programs in Spain and Mexico, and conducting ethnographic field research in Costa Rica. Since joining Tech in 2010, she has been awarded multiple CETL certificates for excellence in teaching. In 2023, she was awarded the Distinguished Non-Tenure Track Academic Faculty Teaching Award from the Ivan Allen College of Liberal Arts, and in 2024 she received CIOS recognition for outstanding teaching and educational impact for her SPAN 3101 Conversation course.

In 2013, she created the first online Spanish program at Georgia Tech. She also designed the course Spanish for the Professions to prepare students for careers abroad or bilingual positions in the United States. Her special topics course Spanish TV Series intertwines the fun of following a series with the serious historical themes of Franco's dictatorship, WWII, and espionage. Her Chat Challenge course is designed to push students out of their comfort zones to build confidence in their speaking. The goal is to converse with as many native speakers as possible over the course of the semester. The top student speaker to date talked to 46 native speakers by the semester's end.

Dr. Geary's scholarly articles address the topics of study abroad, online learning and international students. She is often invited to review new digital learning materials and textbooks, and has presented at various universities and conferences on how to use technology to teach foreign language courses. Her teaching style is featured in six chapters of more than 30 original Spanish video lessons she created for the educational platform Study.com.

She holds a Master's in Spanish from the University of Salamanca in Spain and a Doctor of Education with research concentration in study abroad and foreign language acquisition from Nova Southeastern University. 

Her favorite thing about teaching at Georgia Tech is the students - they're phenomenal! 


Areas of
  • Culture And Sociology Of Spain
  • Curriculum Development
  • Online Learning
  • Study Abroad
  • Teaching Spanish As A Foreign Language
  • Teaching With Media Technology


Research Fields:
  • Instructional Technologies for Foreign Language Acquisition
  • Pedagogy and Curriculum Development
  • Spanish
  • Studies Abroad
  • Europe
  • Latin America and Caribbean
  • United States
  • Cross-Cultural Understanding
  • Grammar
  • Higher Education: Teaching and Learning
  • Intercultural Issues
  • International Communication
  • Language Acquisition
  • Language and Popular Culture
  • Technology


  • SPAN-1001: Elementary Spanish I
  • SPAN-1002: Elementary Spanish II
  • SPAN-1101: Patterns of Spanish I
  • SPAN-1102: Patterns of Spanish II
  • SPAN-2001: Intermediate Spanish I
  • SPAN-2002: Intermediate Spanish II
  • SPAN-3101: Conversation I
  • SPAN-3102: Conversation II
  • SPAN-3151: Conversation Practicum
  • SPAN-3697: Spanish for Health Care Professionals
  • SPAN-3813: Special Topics: Spanish TV Series
  • SPAN-3813: Special Topics: Spanish in Media and Pop Culture
  • SPAN-4102: Spanish For Professions
  • SPAN-6251: Hispanic Community Internship
  • SPAN-6503: Professional Portfolio


All Publications

Journal Articles


Internet Publications


Thesis / Dissertations
