Language for Business and Technology: Argentina

Cityscape of Argentina.


Study for five weeks in the cosmopolitan city of Buenos Aires, Argentina, including visits to Colonia, Uruguay, and to the Iguazu Falls. Also known as the Paris of the South, Buenos Aires is a melting pot of Latin American and European cultures. It is one the most vibrant cultural centers of the region, and the perfect location for this program on “Culture, Democracy, and Technology in the Southern Cone.” Culture, media, and technology have taken a predominant function in reporting, questioning, and resisting anti-democratic forces, while also celebrating and analyzing one of the richest popular culture traditions in the continent—from their own rock movement and extraordinary soccer to new digital creative start-ups. 
This LBAT program is geared toward developing an appreciation of the cultural importance of Argentina and Uruguay, their democratic struggles, and their critical relationship with the United States. Earn 6 semester credit hours of Spanish at the 3000 level, applicable towards a certificate, Spanish minor or ALIS, IAML, or GEML major, or in partial fulfillment of the International Plan Study Abroad requirement. Combine with LBAT Madrid in late summer for a total of 12 credits. Live with an Argentinean family and speak only Spanish! Visit Argentinean companies and institutions. Experience a varied cultural program.

People with Argentinian Flag and Wearing Football T-shirts Celebrating in City Caminito - Buenos Aires/Argentina Aerial View of the Basilica of Our Lady of Lujan, Buenos Aires, Argentina



Buenos Aires, Argentina; Iguazu Falls; Colonia; Uruguay.


May 17 - June 20, 2025

Host Institution

Expanish Buenos Aires


Homestay with Argentinean family in Buenos Aires.


  • SPAN 3235. Latin America Today
  • SPAN 3061. Spanish for Business


Spanish 2002 or the equivalent and good academic standing. This program is conducted entirely in Spanish.


  • The program fee is $4,250. The fee includes housing, ground transportation, cultural and service-learning site visits, some meals, and health insurance.
  • The program fee does not include the following:
    • Non-refundable application deposit ($500)
    • 6 credit hours of tuition (out-of-state students pay in-state tuition)
    • Airfare to and from Buenos Aires
    • Georgia Tech technology fee
    • Some meals

Application and Payment Deadlines

  • Apply via Atlas by Feb. 1 (Dec. 1 for early acceptance and to secure a place in the program).
    • If you are a non-Georgia Tech (Transient/Special) student, you are required to submit TWO separate applications to the Office of International Education.
  • A $500 non-refundable deposit is due at the time of application and is applied to the overall program fee.
  • The first half of the program fee is due Feb. 15 and the balance is due March 15. Payments are withdrawn directly from the student's OSCAR accounts on the deadline.

Fee Payment Information: Please adhere to the deadlines stated for the program. Please observe the information in Payment Options to ensure that your payments are processed at the Bursar’s Office on time. Fees will be charged to your Oscar account on the due dates. Make sure you make all necessary payments on time in order to avoid a hold on your account. Students expecting financial aid must submit a letter from the Financial Aid Office stating the allocation and date of payments expected. Tuition and student fees are due according to the Registrar’s schedule for summer tuition.

Cancellation Policy

Students who cancel their participation in the program after being accepted will be subject to the following non-negotiable fee schedule:

  • Students canceling before Jan. 15 will lose their $500 deposit.
  • Students canceling after Jan. 15 must pay 25% of the program fee.
  • Students canceling after Feb. 15 must pay 50% of the program fee.
  • Students canceling after March 15 must pay 100% of the program fee.

Program descriptions and fees are subject to final approval by educational units and the Office of International Education. Georgia Tech reserves the right to alter or cancel this program due to low enrollment, unavailability of a professor to teach a planned course, or other unforeseen circumstances. Once Georgia Tech has made payments to service providers, or if Georgia Tech cancels the program before departure or while the program is in progress for reasons beyond its control, such as political unrest or danger to participants' safety, only those fees that Georgia Tech is able to have refunded by service providers will be returned to participants. 

Informational Meetings

Online Information Session / Wednesday October 30th 12-1 pm 

Additional Information


Quick Links

Program Contacts

Program Application

  • Apply Now
    • Early application: December 1, 2024 (to secure a place in the program)
    • Applications due February 1, 2025