Nora Cottille-Foley
Associate Professor of French
- School of Modern Languages
Dr. Nora Cottille-Foley is an Associate Professor of French in the School of Modern Languages. She received her PhD in French/Francophone Studies from Northwestern University, Evanston, Illinois. She joined the Georgia Tech faculty in 1998 and became Associate Professor in 2004. For the past 13 years, she has been Director of the LBAT France program (Language for Business and Technology). She created and directed LBAT programs in France, specifically in Toulouse, Paris, and Nice.
She also serves on the International Plan Committee and is Chair of the LBAT Director’s Council. At the national level, Dr. Cottille-Foley serves on the Board of Directors of the SPFFA (Société des Professeurs Français et Francophones d’Amérique) and participates to bi-monthly meetings. She also participates in the planning of the SPFFA bi-annual international conference held in New York. Dr. Cottille-Foley is Editor in Chief of the peered-reviewed journal Nouvelles Francographies, a journal that publishes articles from well-respected scholars from around the world, as well as interviews from well-known French/Francophone writers.
A specialist in contemporary French/Francophone culture, Dr Cottille-Foley is particularly interested in Gender Studies. Her main interests are women's texts, the extreme contemporary (post 1980), identity issues, the inscription of the body, the representation of space, the relationship of photography to text, the deconstruction of social stereotypes/biases and the renewal/reappropriation of language through literature. Her articles deal with the intersections between gender, self-representation, social classes and Francophone identities. They have been published in well-respected journals with an international audience such as Revue des Sciences Humaines (Paris, France), French Studies (Oxford, England), Contemporary French and Francophone Studies, Journal of Caribbean Literatures, Etudes Francophones, Women in French Studies, Nouvelles Etudes Francophones.
Dr Cottille-Foley has also been involved in developing the use of technology in and outside the classroom. She was involved in student video production as early as 1999, with resulting vignettes aired on GTCN. She included live webcam interaction between her students and students in France, trained instructors on the use of WebCT (2002-2003), was a member of the Foreign Language Research Team, Advanced Technologies, Board of Regents (2003-2004). More recently she created and taught online classes for the School of Modern Languages (Fren2002, 2002, 3551, 3015).
She received the Junior Faculty Teaching Award in 2003 from the Center for the Enhancement of Teaching and Learning (Georgia Institute of Technology) and The BP Foundation.
- Digital Media
- French
- Global Cities and Urban Society
- History of Technology/Engineering and Society
- Literary and Cultural Studies
- Media Studies
- Modern Global History/Science, Technology, and Nationalism
- Science and Technology Studies
- Africa (North)
- Africa (Sub-Saharan)
- Europe
- Europe (North)
- North America
- Environment
- Gender
- Inequality and Social Justice
- Race/Ethnicity
- Regional Development
- Aesthetics
- African Studies
- Caribbean Studies
- Cinema Studies
- Cross-Cultural Engagement
- Cross-Cultural Understanding
- Diaspora Studies
- European Union Studies
- Feminism
- Film History and Theory
- Francophone Studies
- Globalization and Localization
- History and Memory
- Immigration and Migration Studies
- Impacts and Consequences of Race/Ethnicity
- Intercultural Issues
- Language and Popular Culture
- Literary Theory
- Literature
- Media
- Mediatized Culture
- Mediterranean Studies
- Migration
- Modernity
- Philosophy
- Post-Colonialism
- Post-Modernism
- Queer Studies
- Social Movements
- Sustainability
- Women’s Leadership
- World Literature
- FREN-1001: Elementary French I
- FREN-1002: Elementary French II
- FREN-2001: French Culture I
- FREN-2002: French Culture II
- FREN-2005: LBAT Culture & Language
- FREN-3000: Survey of French Lit
- FREN-3002: French Lit 1900-Present
- FREN-3014: Intro To Contemp France
- FREN-3015: Social Identities French
- FREN-3017: Paris: Modernity Today
- FREN-3120: Fren Convers. & Culture
- FREN-3551: Fren for Professions I
- FREN-3691: French LBAT I
- FREN-3692: French LBAT II
- FREN-3693: French LBAT III
- FREN-3694: LBAT French Sem Abroad
- FREN-3823: Special Topics
- FREN-4001: French Stylistics
- FREN-4011: French Art
- FREN-4101: Francophone Lit I
- FREN-4107: African Diasporas France
- FREN-4110: Gender in French Societies
- FREN-4160: Arts & Power in Paris
- FREN-4200: Intro French Philosophy
- FREN-4300: France and Globalization
- FREN-4500: Intercultural Seminar
- FREN-4699: Undergraduate Research
- FREN-6300: France and Globalization
- FREN-8803: Special Topics
Recent Publications
Journal Articles
- "Editors' Introduction"; Nouvelles Francographies, vol 5.
Date: 2015
- Editor’s Introduction. Traces, Fragments, Remains.
In: Contemporary French and Francophone Studies, v18 [Peer Reviewed]
Date: 2014
- Corporéité et métalepse dans La Nouvelle. Pornographie de Marie Nimier
Date: 2013
- Focus sur Marie NDiaye
Date: 2012
- Danielle Sallenave: Transcender la misère de vivre
In: Danielle Sallenave (editors Bruno Blanckeman, Sabrinelle Bredane, Bruno Thibault) [Peer Reviewed]
Date: 2017
All Publications
Journal Articles
- "Editors' Introduction"; Nouvelles Francographies, vol 5.
Date: 2015
- Editor’s Introduction. Traces, Fragments, Remains.
In: Contemporary French and Francophone Studies, v18 [Peer Reviewed]
Date: 2014
- Corporéité et métalepse dans La Nouvelle. Pornographie de Marie Nimier
Date: 2013
- Focus sur Marie NDiaye
Date: 2012
- Epistémê esclavagiste et sorcellerie subalterne de Loudun à Salem, en passant par Jules Michelet et Maryse Condé
Date: 2010
- Un texte en cache-t-il un autre ? Le palimpseste chez Marie Darrieussecq
Date: 2010
- Optique fantastique, traitement de la photographie et transgression des limites du visible chez Marie NDiaye
Date: December 2009
- Les mots pour ne pas le dire ou encore l'indicibilité d'une visibilité frottée de fantastique dans les oeuvres de Marie NDiaye
Date: January 2009
- L'usage de la photographie chez Annie Ernaux
Date: 2008
- Oppositions binaires et choix identitaires dans Copies Conformes de Monique Larue
Date: 2007
- Maryse Condé between the impulse to leave and the impulse to return: a reappropriation of Antillean space
Date: 2006
- Maryse Condé Entre Pulsion de Départ et Pulsion de. Retour: Une Réappropriation de L'Espace Antillais
Date: 2006
- Permanence et métamorphoses: l'évolution du lieu de mémoire Paris-province de J.-K. Huysmans à Marie Ndiaye
Date: 2006
- Postmodernité, non-lieux et mirages de l'anamnèse dans l'oeuvre de Marie Ndiaye
Date: 2006
- Stratégies de représentation et utilisation du comique dans Salut Cousin de Merzak Allouache
Date: 2004
- Abomination et sacralisation dans Hygiène de l'assassin d'Amélie Nothomb
Date: 2003
- Sacré poétique et désacralisation politisée dans Tituba de Maryse Condé: Une irruption dans la modernité antillaise
Date: 2003
- Métaphores, métamorphoses et retournements symboliques dans Truismes de Marie Darrieussecq: mais qui finit à l'abbatoir?
Date: 2002
- Développer un cours avancé sur la France contemporaine grâce aux ressources Internet
Date: 2000
- Web-based activities for the language classroom
Date: 2000
- Abortion and Contamination of the Social Order in Annie Ernaux's "Les Armoires Vides"
Date: April 1999
French Review, April 1999. 886-896.
- Danielle Sallenave: Transcender la misère de vivre
In: Danielle Sallenave (editors Bruno Blanckeman, Sabrinelle Bredane, Bruno Thibault) [Peer Reviewed]
Date: 2017
- Comment 'démantibuler la machine': le dédoublement comme opposition et création dans La Romance en do mineur de Maître Clo de Gérard Etienne
Date: 2003
- The Structuring of Feminine Empowerment: Gender and Triangular Relationships in Marie de France
Date: 1998