Angela Labarca
Professor Emerita of Linguistics and Spanish
Via the Universidad de Chile, The Ohio State University, and the University of Delaware, Dr. Angela Labarca came to GT in 1991 as a Professor in the School of Modern Languages to create the Spanish LBAT program. She directed the Spanish LBAT in Argentina and Chile (1992-2000), then the Madrid LBAT (2001-2011) and the Health Care (2009-2011) Spanish programs in Madrid and Cádiz. Dr. Labarca was GT's only Hispanic female Full Professor for many years. She has many articles, chapters in volumes, and three co-edited volumes on cognitive linguistics, sociocultural theory, the psycholinguistics of second language acquisition, reading and testing. She has also written or co-authored more than 20 textbooks for Spanish and English teaching as well as many standardized Rasch-analyzed language tests for French, German and Spanish. She taught Spanish Applied Linguistics, Scientific, Business, and Medical Spanish, Hispanic Culture through Literature, and US Spanish: Language and Cultures; several generations of GT students in these courses still seek her support and knowledge. She is also recognized abroad for her scholarship and her training and teaching talents, she taught at the Universities of Rome, Seville and Sofia, and trained instructors in the US, Argentina, Bulgaria, Germany, and Italy. After serving GT for 20 years, she retired in August 30, 2011, but continued publishing and teaching Scientific and Medical Spanish courses until December 2015. In 2016, she moved to Texas, near her family, and continues publishing.
Research interests include schematic diagrams that facilitate learning of space, movement and time concepts in another language.
Current Email Address:
- Linguistics
- Europe
- United States
- Gender
- Regional Development
- SPAN-3064: Medical Spanish
- SPAN-3241: Indiv&Family in Hisp Lit
- SPAN-3242: Society in Hispanic Lit
- SPAN-3693: Science And Technology
- SPAN-3694: Seminar Abroad
- SPAN-3697: Span Health Professionls
- SPAN-3698: Spain Health Industry
- SPAN-4061: Science & Technology I
- SPAN-4062: Science & Technology II
- SPAN-4699: Undergraduate Research
Selected Publications
- Cognitive linguistics and sociocultural theory: Applications for second and foreign language teaching
Date: November 2015
All Publications
- Cognitive linguistics and sociocultural theory: Applications for second and foreign language teaching
Date: November 2015