Application Process and Scholarships
Students are encouraged to apply for financial aid. HOPE scholarships apply. The School of Modern Languages offers a small competitive Campoamor Scholarship. Contact OIE for other potential funding opportunities.
Program Costs
Program Fee: $4,300
Fee includes classes at Georgia Tech host institution Centro MundoLengua, housing in pairs with homestay families, three meals per day with family, laundry services, free wi-fi, a field trip to Ronda, multiple cultural activities and excursions, and insurance. Program Fee does not include: 6 credit hours tuition, international airline tickets, independent ground transportation and meals outside of the host home.
Payment Schedule and Deadlines
Students who choose not to participate in the program after submitting an application will be subject to the following non-negotiable fee schedule:
- Students canceling before January 15th will lose their $200.00 deposit.
- Students canceling after January 15th must pay 25% of the program fee.
- Students canceling after February 15th must pay 50% of the program fee.
- Students canceling after March 15th must pay 100% of the program fee.
Fee Payment Information: Please adhere to the deadlines stated for the program. Please observe the information in Payment Options to ensure that your payments are processed at the Bursar’s Office on time. Fees will be charged to your Oscar account on the due dates. Make sure you make all necessary payments on time in order to avoid a hold on your account. Students expecting financial aid must submit a letter from the Financial Aid Office stating the allocation and date of payments expected. Tuition and student fees are due according to the Registrar’s schedule for summer tuition.
Students who (with the Program Director’s approval) apply and register for Study Abroad/LBAT programs after the deadlines are responsible for Program Fee payments according to the original deadlines at the time of application or at the time of the applicant's acceptance.
If you are relying on financial aid for payment of program fees please contact the program director and present evidence of financial aid for payment deferral requests.
Cancellation Policy
Program descriptions and fees are subject to final approval by educational units and the Office of International Education. Georgia Tech reserves the right to alter or cancel this program due to low enrollment, unavailability of a professor to teach a planned course, or other unforeseen circumstances. Once Georgia Tech has made payments to service providers, or if Georgia Tech cancels the program before departure or while the program is in progress for reasons beyond its control, such as political unrest or danger to participants' safety, only those fees that Georgia Tech is able to have refunded by service providers will be returned to participants. If a student withdraws from the program, the student will be responsible for the payment of all fees.