Undergraduate Majors
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Minors and Certificates
The School of Modern Languages offers seven language minors and five area studies minors in addition to linguistics. The School also offers seven language certificates as well as certificates in linguistics and global development. A minor or a certificate from the School of Modern Languages is a great way to pursue your language or culture studies beyond the basics.
Our Language Programs
The School of Modern Languages prides itself on its unique model for teaching languages and cultural information geared toward helping students gain the professional proficiency needed for the global marketplace after graduation. The language under study is the medium of communication in our classrooms. As students advance through the levels, the focus of instruction changes from a focus on structures and vocabulary to a focus on content: learning about topics of interest through advanced communication skills and cultural understanding. In the advanced levels of instruction, students and instructors work towards a better cross-cultural understanding, promote creative thinking, open access to intercultural understanding, and develop professional competency in the language.