Vicki Galloway
Professor Emerita of Spanish
- School of Modern Languages
Vicki Galloway was a professor of Spanish and associate chair for research and graduate programs in the School of Modern Languages. She served as the director of the School of Modern Languages' Language for Business and Technology (LBAT) overseas programs in Mexico, Ecuador, and Peru and taught a wide variety of courses in language, literature, business, film, and culture studies, focused on themes of sustainable development, immigration, indigenous issues and perspectives, and intercultural communication.
She has authored eight textbooks, including Saldo a favor. She has published extensively in nationally prominent journals and professional volumes on second-language acquisition and intercultural learning; and has been editor of three volumes of intercultural pedagogy and of the journal Foreign Language Annals. She was a recipient of the American Council on the Teaching of Foreign Language's Nelson Brooks Award for the Teaching of Culture in recognition of her writings in the field of intercultural pedagogy, Georgia Tech's E. Rowe Stamps Award for Excellence in Teaching, and the Ivan Allen College Faculty Legacy Award for Leadership. Before her time at Georgia Tech, she served as project director for the American Council on the Teaching of Foreign Languages (NY) and as South Carolina's State Supervisor for Foreign Language and International Education. She was also the Spanish advisor for the IAML, GEML, and ALIS degree programs.
- Ph.D., Foreign Language Education, University of South Carolina
- M.A. Spanish, University of South Carolina
- B.A. Spanish, Michigan State University
- IAC Faculty Legacy Award, 2015
- IAC Million Dollar Club, 2014-2018
- IAC Gold Star Award for "Excellence in Research", 2013
- ACTFL Nelson Brooks Award for Excellence in the Teaching of Culture, American Council on the Teaching of Foreign Languages, 2002
- IAC E. Roe Stamps Excellence in Teaching award, 2001
- Agriculture, Health, and the Environment
- Communication
- Economic Development and Smart Cities
- Environmental Ethics
- Global Cities and Urban Society
- Literary and Cultural Studies
- Media Studies
- Modern Global History/Science, Technology, and Nationalism
- Pedagogy and Curriculum Development
- Spanish
- Studies Abroad
- Wicked Problems
- Africa (North)
- Europe
- Latin America and Caribbean
- South America
- Health
- Inequality and Social Justice
- International Development
- Race/Ethnicity
- Regional Development
- Aesthetics
- Assessment
- Caribbean Studies
- Cinema Studies
- Communication
- Community engagement
- Conflicts
- Creativity in Context
- Cross-Cultural Understanding
- Documentary
- Drama and Theater Studies
- Entrepreneurship
- Foreign Policy
- Framing
- Global Marketplace for Students
- Globalization and Localization
- Immigration and Migration Studies
- Indigenous Studies
- Inequality and Poverty
- Inter- & Intra-Cultural Business & Technology Practices
- Intercultural Issues
- Interdisciplinary Learning and Partnering
- Intergenerational Issues
- International Communication
- Language Acquisition
- Language and Popular Culture
- Languages in Contact
- Latin-American, Latino/Latina, and Hispanic Studies
- Literary Theory
- Literature
- Media
- Mediatized Culture
- Mediterranean Studies
- Migration
- Performance
- Philosophy
- Politics
- Post-Colonialism
- Privacy
- Problem-Based Learning
- Religion and Politics
- Social Movements
- Sustainability
- Syntax
- Uncertainty and Decision Making
- Vulnerable Populations
- Wicked Problems
- World Literature
- Youth Culture
- SPAN-3101: Conversation I
- SPAN-3102: Conversation II
- SPAN-3112: Composition II
- SPAN-3235: Latin America Today
- SPAN-3254: Hispanic Film
- SPAN-3590: Issues in Andean Devmt
- SPAN-3591: Peru Cultural Patrimony
- SPAN-3690: Commerce Sustain Commun
- SPAN-3691: Bus Comm& Correspondence
- SPAN-3692: Business And Culture
- SPAN-3694: Seminar Abroad
- SPAN-4101: Adv Communication Wkshop
- SPAN-4150: Spanish Service Learning
- SPAN-4242: LatinAm Art: Vision&Voice
- SPAN-4255: Hispanic Drama Workshop
- SPAN-4350: Iberoamerican Cities
- SPAN-4454: Latin America through Film
- SPAN-4500: Intercultural Seminar
- SPAN-4699: Undergraduate Research
- SPAN-6454: Latin America Thru Film
Recent Publications
Book - Editors
- Galloway, Vicki, ed. Global Business Languages: Matters of Perspective. West Lafayette, IN: Purdue Research Foundation, 2007.
Date: 2007
- Galloway, Vicki and Bettina Cothran, eds. Language and Culture Out of Bounds: Discipline-Blurred Perspectives on the FL Classroom. American Association of Teachers of Spanish and Portuguese. Mason, OH: Heinle Thomson, 2006.
Date: 2006
Journal Articles
- "Culture and Sustainability: Lessons from the Oyster and Other Metaphors"
In: SCOLT Dimension [Peer Reviewed]
Date: March 2015
- Evans-Romaine, Karen; Stuart Goldberg, Susan Kresin and Vicki Galloway. “Language and Cultural Learning through Song: Three Complementary Contexts.” Dengub, E., Dubinina, I., & Merrill, J. (Eds.). The Art of Teaching Russian: Research, Pedagog
In: The Art of Teaching Russian: Research, Pedagogy, and Practice. [Peer Reviewed]
Date: 2018
- Galloway, Vicki. “Tearing Down the Walls to Cultivate Connection” in Language and Culture Out of Bounds: Discipline-Blurred Perspectives on the FL Classroom. Mason, OH: Heinle Thomson, 3-36
In: Language and Culture Out of Bounds: Discipline-Blurred Perspectives on the FL Classroom.
Date: 2006
All Publications
- Galloway, Vicki and Angela Labarca. Visión y voz, 3rd ed., NY: John Wiley & Sons. 2003
Date: 2003
- Galloway, Vicki and Angela Labarca, Acción III. 2nd ed. and Teacher’s Manual. Mission Hills CA: McGraw Hill, 1998.
Date: 1998
- Galloway, Vicki and Ángela Labarca. Saldo a favor: Spanish for International Business. NY: John Wiley & Sons, 1998.
Date: 1998
- Galloway, Vicki and Angela Labarca. Visión y voz, 2nd ed. NY: John Wiley & Sons, 1998.
Date: 1998
- Galloway, Vicki and María Teresa Garretón. Saldo a favor: Actividades e investigaciones. NY:John Wiley & Sons, 1998,
Date: 1998
- Galloway, Vicki, Dorothy Joba and Angela Labarca. Acción I, 2nd ed. Mission Hills CA: McGraw Hill, 1998.
Date: 1998
- Galloway, Vicki, Dorothy Joba and Angela Labarca. Acción II, 2nd ed., and Teacher’s Manual. Mission Hills CA: McGraw Hill, 1998.
Date: 1998
- Galloway, Vicki and Angela Labarca. Visión y voz. Boston, MA: Heinle and Heinle, 1993.
Date: 1993
- Galloway, Vicki. Changing Perspectives: A Guide to Observing and Assessing Foreign Language Instruction from the Learner's Perspective. Yonkers, NY: American Council on the Teaching of Foreign Languag, 1992.
Date: 1992
- Galloway, Vicki, Dorothy Joba and Angela Labarca. Acción. Mission Hills, CA: Glencoe/McGraw Hill Macmillan Publishing Co, 1991.
Date: 1991
- Galloway, Vicki and Angela Labarca. "From Student to Learner: Style, Process, and Strategy," in Diane Birckbichler, ed., New Perspectives and New Directions in Foreign Language Education. Lincolnwood IL: National Textbook Company, 111-158.
In: New Perspectives and New Directions in Foreign Language Education. [Peer Reviewed]
Date: 1990
- Galloway, Vicki and Marcia Karper. Pathways to Proficiency (13 book series). Scott Foresman Publishing Company, 1989.
Date: 1989
Book - Editors
- Galloway, Vicki, ed. Global Business Languages: Matters of Perspective. West Lafayette, IN: Purdue Research Foundation, 2007.
Date: 2007
- Galloway, Vicki and Bettina Cothran, eds. Language and Culture Out of Bounds: Discipline-Blurred Perspectives on the FL Classroom. American Association of Teachers of Spanish and Portuguese. Mason, OH: Heinle Thomson, 2006.
Date: 2006
- Galloway, Vicki, ed. Teaching Cultures of the Hispanic World: Products and Practices in Perspective. Mason, OH: Heinle Thomson. 2002
Date: 2002
- Galloway, Vicki and Carol Herron, eds., Research within Reach. Southern Conference on Language Teaching, 1995.
Date: 1995
Journal Articles
- "Culture and Sustainability: Lessons from the Oyster and Other Metaphors"
In: SCOLT Dimension [Peer Reviewed]
Date: March 2015
- Galloway, Vicki. “The Undisciplined Culture: Voices, Visions and Vantage Points.” The Multiverse 1(2004): pp.24-49.
In: The Multiverse [Peer Reviewed]
Date: 2004
- Galloway, Vicki. "ACTFL Provisional Program Guidelines for Foreign Language Teacher Education." Foreign Language Annals 21(1988): pp. 71-82.
In: Foreign Language Annals [Peer Reviewed]
Date: 1988
- "Authentic Texts in the Foreign Language Classroom: Focus on Listening and Reading" ACTFL Master Lecture Series, Defense Language Institute, Monterey CA, pp. 1-18.
In: DLI Master Lecture Series [Peer Reviewed]
Date: 1985
- Galloway, Vicki. "Foreign Language in the Schools: Through the Looking Glass." Modern Language Journal 67(1983): 342-355. Reprinted in Education Digest, 1984.
In: Modern Language Journal [Peer Reviewed]
Date: 1983
- Galloway, Vicki. "Perceptions of the Communicative Efforts of American Students of Spanish." Modern Language Journal 64(1980): 428-33.
In: Modern Language Journal [Peer Reviewed]
Date: 1980
- Evans-Romaine, Karen; Stuart Goldberg, Susan Kresin and Vicki Galloway. “Language and Cultural Learning through Song: Three Complementary Contexts.” Dengub, E., Dubinina, I., & Merrill, J. (Eds.). The Art of Teaching Russian: Research, Pedagog
In: The Art of Teaching Russian: Research, Pedagogy, and Practice. [Peer Reviewed]
Date: 2018
- Galloway, Vicki. “Tearing Down the Walls to Cultivate Connection” in Language and Culture Out of Bounds: Discipline-Blurred Perspectives on the FL Classroom. Mason, OH: Heinle Thomson, 3-36
In: Language and Culture Out of Bounds: Discipline-Blurred Perspectives on the FL Classroom.
Date: 2006
- Galloway, Vicki. "Giving Dimension to Mappaemundi: The Matter of Perspective," American Association of Teachers of Spanish and Portuguese. Mason, OH: Heinle & Heinle, Mason, OH: Heinle & Heinle, 3-63.
In: Teaching Cultures of the Hispanic World: Products and Practices in Perspective.
Date: 2002
*Adopted for use in online K-12 Foreign Language Teacher Workshop by Annenberg Media, "Rooted in Culture"
- Galloway, Vicki. “Bridges and Boundaries: Growing the Cross-cultural Mind” in The Self-Directed Foreign Language Learner, Marty Abbot and Margaret Ann Kassen, eds. Northeast Conference Reports, National Textbook Co., 150-187.
In: Northeast Conference Reports [Peer Reviewed]
Date: 1999
- Galloway, Vicki. "Constructing Cultural Realities: "Facts" and Frameworks of Association," in The Coming of Age of the Profession: Emerging Issues in the Teaching of Foreign Languages. Jane Harper, Madeleine Lively and Mary Williams, eds. Boston: Hein
In: The Coming of Age of the Profession: Emerging Issues in the Teaching of Foreign Languages. [Peer Reviewed]
Date: 1998
- Galloway, Vicki. "Constructing Cultural Realities: "Facts" and Frameworks of Association," in The Coming of Age of the Profession: Emerging Issues in the Teaching of Foreign Languages. Jane Harper, Madeleine Lively and Mary Williams, eds. Boston: Heinl
In: The Coming of Age of the Profession: Emerging Issues in the Teaching of Foreign Languages. [Peer Reviewed]
Date: 1998
- Galloway, Vicki. "Curricular Connections in Language and International Business," in Manual for Spanish and Portuguese for Business and the Professions, T. Bruce Fryer and Gail Guntermann, eds. National Textbook Co
In: Manual for Spanish and Portuguese for Business and the Professions [Peer Reviewed]
Date: 1998
- Galloway, Vicki. "From Comfort to Chaos: Reflections on an 'Unstylish' Research Paradigm," in Margaret Haggstrom, Leslie Morgan and Joseph Wieczorek, eds., The Foreign Language Classroom: Bridging Theory and Practice. Garland Press, 211-226.
In: The Foreign Language Classroom: Bridging Theory and Practice. [Peer Reviewed]
Date: 1995
- Galloway, Vicki. "Reflective Teachers," in James Alatis, ed., Linguistics and Language Pedagogy: The State of the Art. Washington, D.C.: Georgetown University Press, 65-75.
In: Linguistics and Language Pedagogy: The State of the Art. [Peer Reviewed]
Date: 1992
- Galloway, Vicki. "Toward a Cultural Reading of Authentic Texts," in Heidi Byrnes, ed., A Multicultural World in Transition. Lincolnwood, IL: National Textbook Co., 87-121.
In: A Multicultural World in Transition. [Peer Reviewed]
Date: 1992
Reprinted in Pathways to Culture: Readings on Teaching Culture in the Foreign Language Classroom, ed. Paula Heusinkveld. Yarmouth, ME: Intercultural Press, 1997.
- Met, Myriam and Vicki Galloway. "Research in Foreign Language Curriculum," in Phillip W. Jackson, ed., Handbook of Research on Curriculum by the American Educational Research Association. NY: Macmillan Publishing Co., 852-890.
In: Handbook of Research on Curriculum, American Educational Research Association [Peer Reviewed]
Date: 1992
- Galloway, Vicki. "Developing Functional Proficiency" in Frank W. Medley, Jr., ed., Proceedings of the 1989 Caribbean Language Conference. Port of Spain, Trinidad: National Institute on Higher Education and the Organization of American States.
In: Proceedings of the 1989 Caribbean Language Conference.
Date: 1990
- Galloway, Vicki. "From Defining to Developing Proficiency: A Look at the Decisions," in Heidi Byrnes and Michael Canale, eds., Defining and Developing Proficiency: Guidelines, Implementations and Concepts. Lincolnwood, IL: National Textbook, 25-73.
In: Developing Proficiency: Guidelines, Implementations and Concepts. [Peer Reviewed]
Date: 1987
- Galloway, Vicki B. "Foreign Language and the 'Other’ Student," in Robert G. Mead, ed., Foreign Languages: Key Links in the Chain of Learning. Lincolnwood IL: National Textbook Co.
In: Foreign Languages: Key Links in the Chain of Learning. [Peer Reviewed]
Date: 1984
- Galloway, Vicki B. "Research in FL Acquisition" in Dale Lange, ed., Professional Priorities. NY: ACTFL.
In: Professional Priorities.
Date: 1982
- Galloway, Vicki B. "Public Relations: Making an Impact,” in June K. Phillips, ed., A Political, Professional, and Public Program in Foreign Language Education. Lincolnwood, IL: National Textbook Company.
In: A Political, Professional, and Public Program in Foreign Language Education [Peer Reviewed]
Date: 1981
- Galloway, Vicki, Charles W. Stansfield and Lynn E. Thompson. "Topical Bibliography of Proficiency-related Issues." ACTFL Proficiency Guidelines for the Less Commonly Taught Languages, ed. Charles W. Stansfield and Chip Harmon. Washington: Center for A
Date: 1987